Dameron Hospital | Health Outlook | Spring 2019

“My doctor sat me down and told me that he was going to candidly explain my options,” Imada says. “He basically explained that my problems were caused by my weight issues and uncontrolled diabetes, and if this persisted, my health would continue to deteriorate to the point of being life-threatening. That was my moment of truth, and I realized that without my health, nothing else really mattered. I had to do something immediately.” Committing to a change Imada knew he needed a change and that he couldn’t do it alone. His physician referred him to Tarig Samarkandy, MD, to learn about his options and get the support he needed. “Dr. Samarkandy explained the approach he uses with the Dameron Bariatric Weight Loss Program and how it could provide a permanent solution for chronic obesity,” Imada says. “After he explained how this was more than just a medical procedure and included support to help me change my lifestyle to ensure a permanent solution, I was convinced that I had to go for it.” “What I really liked about the program is everything was explained to me in advance—there were no surprises,” he says. “The program’s initial focus is on ensuring I understand what is going to be required to successfully lose the weight and keep it off. Dr. Samarkandy and his team did an excellent job of preparing me every step of the way and continued to support me as part of the program.” The bariatric program begins well in advance of the surgery because patients are required to demonstrate their commitment to making permanent A choice that changed his life forever AT some point in their lives, many people find themselves facing a moment of truth—a time when they’re hit with the realization that the only way to move forward is to make a change or face unacceptable consequences. For Layne Imada, the owner of an advertising and design firm, that moment arrived a year ago during a candid conversation with his physician. A former high school athlete, Imada grew up with sports. He played football and was an avid runner. After graduating from college with degrees in graphic design and visual communications, his career and family life eventually consumed most of his time. Most parents can agree that dealing with the many competing priorities in their lives is difficult. And the time spent on personal health—exercise, stress management and proper nutrition—is often the first thing to be sacrificed. After a couple of decades on this familiar path, Imada found himself grappling with obesity and diabetes. Moment of truth “Over the past few years, I was seeing my physicians more often due to numerous health issues that included type 2 diabetes and related complications, including circulatory, nerve and vision problems,” Imada says. “Overeating and being overweight also became a barrier to living my life. I would get winded very easily; just taking what I would consider an easy walk was difficult. For a while, I was in denial and attributing it to the normal aging process.” The trigger point was in early 2017 when Imada went to see his endocrinologist for his latest test results. lifestyle changes before the surgery is even scheduled. The surgical procedure provides the physiological changes to drastically lower the patient’s caloric intake, which accelerates the weight-loss process. The patient will feel full while eating far less food than before. Zest for life Imada lost more than 40 percent of his total body weight within eight months and says he feels fantastic and much better about himself. 4 HEALTH OUTLOOK